Friday, April 22, 2005

A Prototype!

i don't know what really clicked on my mind....but it just did.....n' sometimes it's so relaxing to do stuffs with no real reasons or intentions.......but whatever.....i felt like readin my own asked few of my good friends to write me one......with the hope that they would......i'm lookin to publish all of them here.......below is only a prototype!
****, prominent engg. in electronics died last night from complications of losing his soul mate. he was 23 years old and soft spoken and obsessive. **** never looked the part of the hopeless romantic. but in the final days of his life, he revealed an unknown side of his psyche. this hidden quasi-jungian persona surfaced during the Agatha Christie like pursuit for his long reputed soul mate. a woman whom he only spent a few precious hours with. sadly, the protracted search ended late saturday night in complete and utter failure. yet even in certain defeat, the courageous **** secretly clung to the belief that life is not merely a series of meaningless accidents or coincidences.uh-uh! but rather it's a tapestry of events that culminate in an exquisite, sublime plan. asked about the loss of his dear friend, kansky, the Pulitzer Prize winning author and executive editor of the New York Times, described **** as a changed man in the last days of his life. "things were clearer for him," kansky noted. ulimately, **** concluded that if we're to live life in harmony with the universe, we must all possess a powerful faith in what the ancients used to call "fatum"....what we currently refer to as destiny.

my dear friend Navajit wrote this to me.......thanks mate......that was nice.....i guess thats something from the bottom of your heart!

Yesterday night around 8 pm my friend **** met with an untimely end. I am grieved by the circumstances that led me to write this for him. Going by the way he lived I believe it must have been a great relief for him to be out of this punishment called life. Punishment in the sense that we all have to endure fate but ....he too had to but that was unable to dilute the jest for life. Also his constant urge to find something inspiring out of it. He not only personally practised it but also tried to sell this idea to all the people around him. Life gives it greatest challenges when one is least prepared for it. For the multitude of humanity its not morning after dark fearful night but a still darker night. It goes darker and darker with time and one feels like shutting out everything and thats when God opens one door and says "come on in". And before one realises whats happening one's gone for good. My friend seem to have accepted this Fate of the "common people" and i found him many times looking for the stars in that dark demonic sky. I wonder how many he did manage to find. That doesn't matter, what matters is that he got something to keep himself busy till it was morning again. Morning which he shall never see. But he must be a happy guy now up there but who knows among us mortals what lies beyond. Is it heaven or hell or just another illusionary phase. But I am sure whatever it might be he shall be surely looking out for stars in the dark sky.


Thursday, April 21, 2005

too much of a reason!

since the time i remember........i've always seek refuge in reasons........n' i still remember how i got irritated when i behaved in ways when i was far from it.......i felt as if i had no right to be someone with no reasons......but as of now........when i look at the things that start hittin on me.......i got to realize that ........somehow.......things are with too much of a reason.......a bit too meaningful.........even when somone talks to me........even when it seems they like the end of the day.......somehow i realize again........that its not me that they like........its actually the reason within me that they like n' they come to meet that reason........yeah i know........that can't be so bad.......but know feel what about the person within.........who seek others............who needs others............who want to stay in some solitude but always wants someone to find him in his solitude...........i just wonder.........if one fine morning........suddenly someone erases all those reasons which are engraved within ****.........what would be the story like..........maybe the story would be more bitter.... i guess all these reasons are one pleasant evil.........which i always wanna erase.........but know that so well.........that once i remove them..............there ain't be no existence for me...........even though.........this ain't my definition of existence........but i guess thats alright!

Told you once about your friends and neighbours
They were always seeking but they'll never find it
It's alright,yes it's alright
Where to go and where to see
It's always been this way and it can never be
It's alright,yes it's alright
Give it all and ask no return
And very soon you'll see and you'll begin to learn
That's it's alright,yes it's alright
Don't you know that it's so good for you
You can be making love and see it all go through
But it's alright,yes it's alright --- Black Sabbath