Tuesday, July 24, 2007

an ode to bolivian marchin' powder

it's a funny feelin' huh... you feel for someone n' then you don't feel for someone else. you make it look... as if you can't. n' you simply qualify for eternal mercy of a minuscule time frame... where you know you've not acted anythin' different.... or at times when you look back you tend to realize you were two times stupider than you normally are. but still somethin' works out which never works n' is known for that. narrow skies drown you... n' you tend to swin deep. most often it doesn't work n' you defy the whole world. it's a hind sight... it's stressful. it's alarmingly risky n' exceedingly liable to deter your esteem. it's unpredictible... it's unsure. in most cases it's a lie... n' in the others it's just ignorance of the truth. it's a loss of control... n' a permanent need of a dependency. it's makes you grow weak... it makes you grow lonelier. it's non-existent... it's confusin'. n' except for the fact that it doesn't feel so, it's positively borin' n' depressin'.

1 Comment:

johney said...

At least in one thing you are right. It is vague. I have no idea what you are expressing. Do have some sympathy on us poor dimwitted readers.