Monday, July 30, 2007

n' just like that...

i didn't laugh. she didn't laugh either. we were both laughless... formin' an auditorium of words within each other... tryin' to make an exit through just one 2 by 2 door. bottlenecked words are mostly inaudible.

the wrong was committed. we're responsible. no. maybe just me. it's not the guilt which is killin' me now but it's the consequences. n' the changes which encircle the periphery. my denial was weird. it wore the mask of rudeness. blame it on me. the anger was majorly bafflin'. because there wasn't any point. but i knew it was the grief. bargainin' was misunderstanin'. depression was tryin' to hide its way. acceptance was majorly pronounced. she apparently wasn't grievin'. what i meant by that was to me... she wasn't. it's just that i can't make such a statement because that would suggest i was majorly bold. you don't want to be bold. boldness has it's own drawbacks. in my case. it ends up in solvin' math problems mostly related to permutation n' combination n' sometimes even probability. n' that's another thing you don't want to do. you don't want to do math.

n' it's kind of funny when you're tryin' hard to swallow your anger. not even swallowin'. it's like schedulin' it to sometime later as you don't want to lose these moments now. n' that's actually nice. even romantic.