Saturday, June 09, 2007

where were you before and what are you doin' now?

sometimes the world gets so smart.... n' always much to your likin'.... you've got like no clue how did it happen... as if some over night miracle. every pause... every coma in a sentence.. every act of rephrasin' lines... smiles... movement of the iris... infact every push of a button is traced right back n' right there. n' they come up with the right thing. clever bastards!


johney said...

"The world is everything that is the case".

It is Wittgenstien.

clever bastards!

And you give your opinions too freely for one so young.

D'yer Mak'er said...

And you give your opinions too freely for one so young. too!

johney said...

Really? Though I am considered young among my kin, I am far too old. My bones ache from the weight of my age upon me. And my eyes are deep set with aging experience. And yet you still would have me be young? Many winters I have seen lay wasted in the country, unaccountable famines have I gone through over the age of time. The sun west tens and hundreds of thousands of times since the day I first appeared, and the moon have waxed and waned in numbers unaccountable. And still you would have me considered young.

D'yer Mak'er said...

no i have not. i can smell your old skin. i was referrin' to the freedom of your opinion.

johney said...

My age gives me the excuse to be thus use my opinion freely. The old that is strong does not wither.