Sunday, April 15, 2007

sad but true...

# the first hug can be in the most complicated situations whatsoever... when you think you're standin' just before the end of somethin' which you don't want to end.. after long-hour-tearful-phonecalls... while you're still in the transition phase of panic attack n' post traumatic syndrome.. while you feel there's a lot of space between you n' her.. literally speakin' ofcourse.. n' she does it quite abruptly again without any prior notice/agenda.. n' you're supposed to reciprocate/react/respond which you do.. only to get a review sometime later... "you were quite stiff!!" :(

# the long-awaited-first-whatever that you've planned for weeks could turn out to be disastrous... the open air restaurants can close down without any prior notice/agenda or any apparent reason... the sun can shine really bright n' you've distances to walk.. n' then she can turn out to be the most intelligent woman on the planet when you want to have a sweet conversation n' the lunch just a side dish :(

# she-who-says-loves-you-the-most can cuddle a puppy in the same way she cuddles you. but you don't feel that way.. what you feel... she-who-says-loves-you-the-most cuddles a puppy with more passion n' intensity than the way she cuddles you :(

but sadness seems to be fine till now.. as the only word that comes to my mind when i think about everythin'... PERFECT!!! just PERFECT!!!! :)