Wednesday, July 06, 2005

...Origin Obscure!

more to express with a lesser expression feminism
more to say with a lesser voice feminism
dancin with broken foot steps feminism
even ignorance n' blisfulness feminism
more to think with little tatoos of memories feminism
even "pausin at the doorstep..." feminism
bein loved feminism
actin like a stiff drink also feminism
bein "mysterious n' beautiful" feminism
n' yeah..sometimes even the porche feminism...
keepin the faith feminism
a burnin fire feminism
storm itself feminism
even harmony feminism
chasin the dreams feminism
sometimes....even to look back feminism
bein nervous for no reason feminism
n' when you bite your lips when you act so...thats feminism

i know not if imrana feminism
but i do know that nomadic waves feminism!


Tabula_Rasa said...

The surging waves,the surging desires...the tempest brewing under a calm ocean's surface...that is feminism.
Stay away or u shall get swept away by the ravaging waves.

Bit my lip when i read ur comments on my blog(wink)

Tabula_Rasa said...

The surging waves,the surging desires...the tempest brewing under a calm ocean's surface...that is feminism.
Stay away or u shall get swept away by the ravaging waves.

Bit my lip when i read ur comments on my blog(wink)

Mirage said...

Hey that was beautiful! Its the best way someone could have defined feminism... :)

Mirage said...

Hey that was beautiful! Its the best way someone could have defined feminism... :)

D'yer Mak'er said...

@nomadic_waves-->>hey miss waves.....i don't fear to get swept away!!!...i fear to get stuck in those waves!!!....n' yeah....i'm not bitin my lip....coz its hard to do so when your heart is in your mouth!!!

@mirage--->> hey thanks mirage....thanks for those words....but i don't know...that was so spontaneous...i came here to write somethin else..n' ended up with this..didn't know if i did justice with the word feminism...but not my fault....sometimes waves push you so very proudly seem to lose your directions!!!!!!!

desperado said...

brilliant in one simple word
well i believe feminism is the calm n serenity u associate with the female.
i guess itz she who makes life lot more easier n smooth
know tht cause of my lovely mom n sis.

no loudness just the calm of the ocean

D'yer Mak'er said...

@dhruv -->> believe me pal...feminism is lot more than only the calmness n' serenity.....just let yourself dive within ' may find a lot of turbulences as well....

Tabula_Rasa said...

Strangers' Inc-->
The waves managed to alluringly beckon u out of ur den?

Behold the tranquil beauty of the ocean's surface but do not forget the tiger heart that pants beneath.

D'yer Mak'er said...

@nomadic_waves--->>>thats the question...."what lies beneath"....n' a stranger will want to unveil that cloth that wraps us everythin but without any knots!