Sunday, September 24, 2006

dear piper

i wasn't too sure if i was sadder or more helpless when the last one i knew refused to pull me.... when they knew it all.... i couldn't have moved a bit... let alone pushin' myself.

n' everyone looks all so sure about everythin' when you're not sure of anythin' at all. n' maybe then... it takes away a lot... your sweet-sweet life. i feel somethin' isn't right when i try to make myself happy... when the plan seems to be... me takin' or pickin' up along what life has decided for me... n' i can't quite remember when i first began acceptin'.... that sometimes... life leaks faster than the wind blows..... n' you just hurry up n' wait.... just to let yourself know...that there was nothin' at all to be awaited for....

conspringly yours,

dear doesn't matter who you're,

isn't it depressin' when you know most people are happy... alright.. i can rephrase that if you want to.... but it'd still mean the same... most people are happy only because they're buyin' your sadness absolutely for free n' then they're sellin' it back to you at a much higher rate.. n' you don't even get to know about it... do you know where is it headin' for... listen to me.

when was the last time someone listened to me?... when was the last time i talked to someone? when was the last time i actually said somethin'? the story about my week n' my weekends just reminds me of the story of the ice-cube n' his only friend sun... we both kind of wait for one another the whole day... just to end up with blisters.. n' that's kind of funny.

n' i was mostly thinkin' about the balance of nature... not the likes of what george carlin thinks... but general ones... like most people believe that i've more hidden depths which most often srew up everythin'... when i most often have found myself absolutely shallow... just like i hate n' love bein' watched.. n' i'm not even sure if i do the both together.

swingingly yours,