Wednesday, December 14, 2005

here in the mountain ash hollow...

i still long for the symphony to hear...i'm who?...the deaf.
i hear the dreams whisperin to me...n' tell me "follow"...i'm who?...the blind.

i long for those kisses...i find it where? the fire.
n' what remains is all grey in dust now.

i head for the staircase ...with the company of broken footsteps.
i look for a support....i find what? ...handrails made of darkness.

i long for the wind...n' i'm who?...that dry broken leaf.
i'm the colorblind who sees grasshoppers in grey pastures.

i intended to live forever...i'm who?..the moth fly.
i tried to make a home....i ended where? the loneliest valleys.

n' now i stand in the mountain ash hollow.
i guess i'm the lonely hunter...who hunts on a lonely hill.

O never a green leaf whispers, where the green-gold branches swing:
O never a song I hear now, where one was wont to sing.
Here in the heart of Summer, sweet is life to me still,
But my heart is a lonely hunter that hunts on a lonely hill.

p.s. i couldn't find the keys to my friend brought it home when he came back from a near by restaurant...the shopkeeper asked me for a 15...when i handed him a 30...n' a very curious question followed upon..."why 30?"...yesterday i wanted to hear a cd....i searched almost for an hour but i couldn't find...finally i was inside the cd player....the day before i woke up at 9 in the mornin...looked at the watch but somehow saw 3....but how?...when 3 n' 9 are just mirror opposites....but i still saw.....even woke up someone who was sleepin peacefully..."get up it's very late"...


Dreamcatcher said...

Murphy attacks..

Anonymous said...

what do you know about murphy...n' for that case...even attack uh?